Electro-plating serves to either decorate, or protect a metal substrate and William Blythe provides tin derivatives designed to meet the needs of our customers in applications as diverse as the automotive and food packaging industries.
t-blythe S1012 - Tin (ii) Chloride
Tin (ii) Chloride is an anhydrous white powder that is used for its properties as a catalyst and reducing agent in applications from pharmaceutical synthesis to construction.
t-blythe S1014 - Tin (ii) Chloride
Tin (ii) Chloride is an anhydrous white powder that is used for its properties as a catalyst and reducing agent in applications from pharmaceutical synthesis to construction.
t-blythe S1022 - Sodium Stannate
Sodium Stannate is a source of tin for electroplating applications and is also used as a stabiliser to prevent the decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide.
t-blythe S1027 - Potassium Stannate
Potassium Stannate is a source of tin for electroplating applications and is also used as a stabiliser to prevent the decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide.
t-blythe S1030 - Tin (ii) Oxide
Short Tin (ii) Oxide, or Tin Monoxide, is a black crystalline powder that is used as a source of Sn2+ ions in solid state description reactions to produce complex oxides, or in reactions with weak acids to manufacture stannous compounds.